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OpenSCAD by example
OpenSCAD is a very flexible 3D CAD modelling software aimed at technical users. This page is a curated collection of useful code examples, each ready to be adapted for your usecase.
Other helpful resources:- OpenSCAD User Manual (Wikibooks)
- OpenSCAD's built-in examples
- Belfry OpenSCAD Library v2
- Mastering OpenSCAD within 10 projects (2021 book, available online)
- OpenSCAD Snippet Pad blog
Curved text🔗
Render text along the surface of a cylinder.
w = 30; // width of rectangle h = 1; // height of rectangle l = 10; // length of chord of the curve dh = 10; // delta height of the curve module curve(width, height, length, dh) { r = (pow(length/2, 2) + pow(dh, 2))/(2*dh); a = 2*asin((length/2)/r); translate([-(r -dh), 0, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -a/2]) rotate_extrude(angle = a) translate([r, 0, 0]) square(size = [height, width], center = true); } chars = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]; for (i = [0 : 1 : 15]) { rotate([i*360/15,0,0]) intersection() { rotate([0,270,0]) curve(w, h, l, dh); translate([0,0,0]) linear_extrude (height = 15) text(chars[i], size = 3, valign="center", halign="center", $fn=32); } } rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(5, r=10, center=true);Source. Author: julien. License: CC BY-SA 4.0.

Hilbert curve🔗
Construction of a Hilbert curve.
function curve_to_cartesian(i,order=5,a=[0,0],b=[0,1],c=[1,1],d=[1,0],s=0,e=1,f=[2,0],g=0) = i == 1 ? curve_to_cartesian(i-0.0000001,order,a,b,c,d,s,e) : let( p1=lerp(s,e,1/4),p2=lerp(s,e,2/4),p3=lerp(s,e,3/4), ab=(a+b)/2,bc=(b+c)/2,cd=(c+d)/2,da=(d+a)/2, center=(a+b+c+d)/4) !(order>0)? let( a2=lerp(a,center,0.5),b2=lerp(b,center,0.5), c2=lerp(c,center,0.5),d2=lerp(d,center,0.5)) along([a2,b2,c2,d2,f],(i-s)/max(1e-16,abs(e-s))) : (i<p1) ? curve_to_cartesian(i,order-1,a,da,center,ab,s,p1,ab+(ab-a)/4+(center-ab)/4,0): (i>=p1)&&(i<p2) ? curve_to_cartesian(i,order-1,ab,b,bc,center,p1,p2,center+(center-b)/4+(bc-center)/2,1): (i>=p2)&&(i<p3) ? curve_to_cartesian(i,order-1,center,bc,c,cd,p2,p3,cd+(cd-c)/4+(center-cd)/4,2): curve_to_cartesian(i,order-1,cd,center,da,d,p3,e,d-(d-da)/4 -(da-center)/4 + (g < 2 ? (d-a)/4 : (d-c)/4),g < 2 ? 3 : 1); function cartesian_to_curve(i,order=28,a=[0,0],b=[0,1],c=[1,1],d=[1,0],s=0,e=1)=let( p1=lerp(s,e,1/4),p2=lerp(s,e,2/4),p3=lerp(s,e,3/4), ab=(a+b)/2,bc=(b+c)/2,cd=(c+d)/2,da=(d+a)/2, center=(a+b+c+d)/4 ) !(order>0)? s : inbox(i,a,da,center,ab)==true?cartesian_to_curve(i,order-1,a,da,center,ab,s,p1): inbox(i,ab,b,bc,center )==true?cartesian_to_curve(i,order-1,ab,b,bc,center,p1,p2): inbox(i,center,bc,c,cd)==true?cartesian_to_curve(i,order-1,center,bc,c,cd,p2,p3): cartesian_to_curve(i,order-1,cd,center,da,d,p3,e); function lerp(start, end, bias) = (end * bias + start * (1 - bias)); function len3v(v,acc=0,p=0)=(p+1>len(v)-1)?acc:len3v(v,acc+norm(v[p]-v[p+1]),p+1) ; function un(v)=v/max(1e-15,norm(v)); function along(v,i)=let(r=v2t(v,len3v(v)*i))[r.x,r.y,0]; function inbox (i,a,b,c,d)= i.x==max(i.x,a.x,b.x,c.x,d.x)||i.x==min(i.x,a.x,b.x,c.x,d.x)|| i.y==max(i.y,a.y,b.y,c.y,d.y)||i.y==min(i.y,a.y,b.y,c.y,d.y)? false:true; function v2t(v,stop,p=0)=((p+1>len(v)-1)|| (norm(v[p]-v[p+1])>stop)) ? (v[p]+un(v[p+1]-v[p])*stop) : (v2t(v,stop-norm(v[p]-v[p+1]),p+1)); function rnd(a = 1, b = 0, s = []) = s == [] ? (rands(min(a, b), max(a, b), 1)[0]) : (rands(min(a, b), max(a, b), 1, s)[0]); a = [-50,-50]; b = [-50,50]; c = [50,50]; d = [50,-50]; order = 2; use <hsvtorgb.scad> // optional, just for preview colors step=1/(pow(2,order*2+3)); for(i = [0 : step : 1-step-step]) { t1 = curve_to_cartesian(i,order,a,b,c,d); color(hsvToRGB(i,.8,1)) translate(t1) cube(1.6*pow(2,4-order),center=true); }Source. Authors: LogbLogb, FliegendeWurst. License: Fair use.

Image heightmap🔗
The surface
function can be used to load a PNG image as a solid, with the color of each pixel determining its height.
scale([1,1,.2]) surface("./image-heightmap-source.png", center=true, invert=true);Source. Author: Martin Pettitt (clock image). License: CC BY 2.0 (clock image).

Rounded cube🔗
The cube
function adapted to round corners on some or all sides / corners.
// More information: https://danielupshaw.com/openscad-rounded-corners/ // Set to 0.01 for higher definition curves (renders slower) $fs = 0.15; // An [x, y, z] vector specifies distance on each axis. Default [1, 1, 1] // size = [2, 3, 5]; // An integer creates a cube with specified wall distance. Default [1, 1, 1] // size = 5; // Whether or not to place the object centered on the origin. Default false // center = true|false; // Specify a rounding radius. Default 0.5 // radius = 0.5 // Specify where to apply the rounded corners. Default "all" // apply_to = "all"|"x"|"y"|"z"|"zmax"|"zmin"|"xmax"|"xmin"|"ymax"|"ymin" module roundedcube(size = [1, 1, 1], center = false, radius = 0.5, apply_to = "all") { // If single value, convert to [x, y, z] vector size = (size[0] == undef) ? [size, size, size] : size; translate_min = radius; translate_xmax = size[0] - radius; translate_ymax = size[1] - radius; translate_zmax = size[2] - radius; diameter = radius * 2; obj_translate = (center == false) ? [0, 0, 0] : [ -(size[0] / 2), -(size[1] / 2), -(size[2] / 2) ]; translate(v = obj_translate) { hull() { for (translate_x = [translate_min, translate_xmax]) { x_at = (translate_x == translate_min) ? "min" : "max"; for (translate_y = [translate_min, translate_ymax]) { y_at = (translate_y == translate_min) ? "min" : "max"; for (translate_z = [translate_min, translate_zmax]) { z_at = (translate_z == translate_min) ? "min" : "max"; translate(v = [translate_x, translate_y, translate_z]) if ( (apply_to == "all") || (apply_to == "xmin" && x_at == "min") || (apply_to == "xmax" && x_at == "max") || (apply_to == "ymin" && y_at == "min") || (apply_to == "ymax" && y_at == "max") || (apply_to == "zmin" && z_at == "min") || (apply_to == "zmax" && z_at == "max") ) { sphere(r = radius); } else { rotate = (apply_to == "xmin" || apply_to == "xmax" || apply_to == "x") ? [0, 90, 0] : ( (apply_to == "ymin" || apply_to == "ymax" || apply_to == "y") ? [90, 90, 0] : [0, 0, 0] ); rotate(a = rotate) cylinder(h = diameter, r = radius, center = true); } } } } } } } color("Yellow") roundedcube(3, true, 0.7, "xmin"); translate(v = [1, 0, 2]) color("Pink") roundedcube([4, 2, 2], false, 0.6, "zmax"); translate(v = [-4, -1, 2]) color("Lightblue") roundedcube(2, false); translate(v = [0, 0, 6]) color("Orange") roundedcube([3, 2, 2], true, 0.2); translate(v = [2.5, -0.5, 5]) color("Green") roundedcube([3, 2, 2], false, 0.4, "z");Source. Author: Daniel Upshaw. License: Fair use.

Text on sphere🔗
Render text along the surface of a sphere.
Requires external library: text_on.scad
use <text_on/text_on.scad> sphere(15, $fn=64); color("lime") { text_on_sphere("Hello", r=15, extrusion_height=4, spin=20, northsouth=50, eastwest=-20, rotate=0, size=4, rounded=true); text_on_sphere("World", r=15, extrusion_height=4, spin=20, northsouth=30, eastwest=-20, rotate=0, size=4, rounded=true); }Source. Author: Brody Kenrick. License: LGPL 2.1.

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Website design inspired by Isabel Roses' website and Utku Demir's website.