FliegendeWurst's corner of the WWW
- Salvaging a broken hard drive
- Using Vec::remove_item after Rust 1.51
- List running Nix builds with their CPU usage
- Raspberry Pi: temperature monitoring and more
- Fixing the position of TST's new tab button
- Solving a logic puzzle using an SMT solver
- Repairing the filesystem on my TV's hard disk

Youtube Addiction Control
Firefox extension to hide various UI elements on Youtube.- raspi-oled, a clock/calendar/temperature display built using a Raspberry Pi
- mail adapter for ripgrep-all, really convenient to search mails and their attachments
- Naviki GPX downloader, to download all recorded tracks
- borg-homedir-excludes, a list of cache/trash directories that are not worth backing up
- mpv-ratings-based-shuffle (does what the name says)
- sysinfo, just prints CPU usage + temperature and RAM usage
- v4l-save-image, to test whether a webcam works
- tmux-thumbs modified to support multi-line regexes
- symlink-dupes, creates symbolic links for equal files in a directory
- kwin-toggle-window, toggle visibility of a specific window with a hotkey
- microsoft-ergonomic-keyboard, a small kernel module to re-interpret one of the keys on my keyboard
- telegram_notes_bot, a Telegram bot to interact with a Trilium Notes database (reminders, todos, etc.)
- bwinf.35.1, my solutions to a computer science contest
- Minecraft mods:
- ServerTPS, displays server TPS estimate and client threads status
- AsyncLighting, a hack to queue up re-light events (= more FPS)
- User styles:
- GitHub Ultrawide, increases maximum width of GitHub's UI
- YouTube: mark all watched videos, reliable indicator of seen videos
© FliegendeWurst, 2022-2025 (excluding evident exceptions). Website source. Contact.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Website design inspired by Isabel Roses' website and Utku Demir's website.